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Life is for learning; Learning is for life.

Half or Full Day Seminars

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Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often

Seminar cum Workshop





Someone once jested, “Singaporeans shouldn’t be called Singaporeans, because we don’t sing a lot. We should be called Russians, because we rush a lot.” How true! Many of us are having such frantic and hectic lifestyles, that there is little time or energy to reflect, renew and refresh ourselves. We rarely take stock of our lives...till it is too late.


Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often is a seminar cum workshop that is designed to help you rediscover your purpose, to reenergise your passion and to recalibrate your priorities.


Taking a holistic approach, the course aims to enable participants build the Four Important Quotients in their lives:-

  • Balance Quotient

  • Emotional Quotient

  • Adversity Quotient

  • Financial Quotient


The end result is that you will be able to move towards ‘Loving Work and Living Life’ and build stronger and more enriching relationships with your family, friends and colleagues.



*The Four Modules can be done in a day, in two half days or each as a standalone session.*      














"Work Life Harmony" - Live A Balanced Life, Not Life On A Balance

Talk Duration : 2 hours


In this workshop, participants will learn about what true success really means, as well as recognising the importance of relationships and family.


Tips on rescheduling priorities will be shared so that participants will work towards ‘Loving Work, Living Life’.


The module will help us unearth our inner core values and also move towards change in our daily habits.


Apelles Poh speaks from a wealth of experience, having achieved what many would consider, a very successful career in the financial industry. Yet, he is able to balance time spent with family and friends, to exercise, and even to travel frequently to India, Philippines and Indonesia to visit the 30 orphans and children that he supports. Recently, he visited Philippines to help rebuild houses damaged by Typhoon Haiyan






"Turning Problems Into Possibilities" - 7 Power Questions To Building Resilience In Life & Work

Talk Duration : 1 to 1.5 hours


Someone once jested that life isn’t always smooth – if it were, we are already dead. Indeed, life often presents to us many ups and downs, highs and lows, joys and adversities. Our Adversity Quotient is often a big factor contributing to our success in life, family and work.


Come and learn the 7 Power Questions which you can use immediately and turn your setbacks into comebacks, your test into a testimony, your trial into a triumph and your problems into possibilities. When you change your perspective, you can change your life!






Building Your Emotional Quotient Through Better Communication Skills

Talk Duration : 1.5 hours


It has been said that in life, it is not just IQ that is important; EQ is equally important. In working life, it is not just what you know but who you know; not just who you know, but who knows you; not just who knows you but who likes you - that makes the difference. 


You will learn how to build up your child’s or spouse’s Emotional Bank Account through the languages of love. Practical tips on good and poor communication skills will be shared.


Learn about the Parent, Adult and Child Ego states inherent in all of us and how to transact with the effective ego-states.


Discover what makes us tick, and how to connect to people fast and to build up your EQ and enrich and empower your relationship with your family, colleagues and customers.


A humorous presentation peppered with anecdotes and life experiences not to be missed!






 “Honey, Where Is The Money?” - Steps To Financial Freedom

Talk Duration : 1 to 1.5 hours


Are you concerned about financial matters? About your retirement? Money not enough? Confused about health coverage? Working hard for your money but is your money working hard for you? Wills - to write or not to write? Does all the financial jargon leave you out in the cold?


Then it's time to grow your financial quotient.


This talk promises no jargon and no sales pitch - just sound financial education.


It is accompanied with songs (the speaker comes armed with a guitar), stories, and anecdotes that is guaranteed to keep the audience engaged and entertained.


Come and learn how you can stretch your hard-earned dollar, save money when buying insurance policies, and ensure that your golden years are golden, not grey.






Calling all HR and Training & Development folks!


If you are looking for quality, engaging and relevant training for your company or organisation,

connect with Apelles Poh for a friendly discussion.



Apelles Poh
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Apelles Poh
Principal Trainer

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